
Stewardship in the church is the act of taking care of all that God has given to us. God has so richly blessed us in a variety of ways. These blessings include: our health, our family, our possessions, our community, our congregation, our faith, our finances, and all of God’s creation. In response to God’s great generosity to us, we share our time, talents, and treasures for the sake of God’s mission to love and care for the world.


Our church mission is to “Love all, Serve all, in Jesus’ name.”

To do this we need YOU!


The vast majority of our budget comes from pledges made by members of our community. For planning purposes, the church depends on you to let us know how and when we will receive your gifts over the next year. Without your support we cannot do what we are called to do.


You can give to Gloria Dei in a number of ways:

  • By check or cash (on Sundays or mail to Gloria Dei Church; 570 Welsh Road; Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006)
  • Electronically by clicking Online Giving
  • Annually with your IRA distributions and/or gifts of appreciated stocks
  • With your Thrivent Choice dollars. Click here to learn more.


We appreciate you and your support always and in all ways!


“A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water.” Proverbs 11:25

Click the online giving button to make a donation to the ministry of Gloria Dei Church.