We believe that the questions are as important as the answers, and who asks the most important questions? Our children! Gloria Dei is a place for our children to connect with each other and with Jesus through Sunday School, Family Events, and Service Projects. Friendships are formed, new talents are discovered, and a sense of community is found.
Dana Harrison
Kids and Family Ministry
Announcements & Upcoming Events:
SUNDAY SCHOOL begins again September 22! Sunday School takes place every week during the 10am worship service when in session. Children begin in the service and are then dismissed to classes following the Children’s Message. Parents/guardians will pick up from the Stage Room on the 2nd floor after the service. Please email Dana to sign up and for more information: kidsandfamily@gloriadei.com
Children are always welcome in the worship services. Feel free to make use of the Prayground in the back of the Sanctuary or the Activity Bags hanging on the back pew. Kindly return the Activity Bags after the service. Parents and kids may also take an instrument with them to their pew. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Meet on the 2nd Floor of the education wing in the Stage Room.
Spark Curriculum is used in all classes. Children will experience creative activities, games, crafts, and Bible stories for imaginative learning.