Senior Ministry

Who Are We?

The mission of Senior Adult Ministry, a.k.a. Oldies But Goodies, is to help provide for the spiritual, cognitive, social/emotional, and physical needs of the senior members of Gloria Dei Church. Modeled after the teachings of Jesus, this ministry emphasizes fellowship, service, and discipleship as ways to keep our members connected to each other and to their faith community.


For more information, contact the church office at or (215) 947-8200.


There are so many ways you can participate.

Take a look at our Seniors on the Go! brochure and read about the following parts of this ministry:


  • Lunch and Learn program on the 3rd Friday of the month from October through May of each year.
  • Taking Gloria Dei Beyond our Church Walls. Become a Lay Minister and visit individual members in their homes or wherever they live, with or without offering Holy Communion.
  • Heart Connections keep in contact with members who can’t get to church through regular phone calls and sending cards and notes.

Where do you see yourself fitting in? If you join one of our visiting teams, you’ll go out praying to be a blessing and when your visit it done, you’ll return at least ten times blessed. Think about it, pray about it, then contact the church office at or (215) 947-8200. We’ll provide the training and/or tools you will need, you provide the love.