What to Expect

We worship at 8:30AM in the Chapel and at 10AM both in the Sanctuary and online every Sunday morning, and at 11:30AM in the Sanctuary the first Sunday each month. You can read more about the services here to determine which one might be best for you. We strive to be a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere, so wear what you are most comfortable in. Please go to our home page here for worship updates.


Where do my children go?

At our 8AM service in the Chapel, children are welcome to be part of the worship experience.


Sunday School will be taking a break for the summer and will begin again in September 2023. Children are always welcome to stay in the 10AM and 11:30AM worship services. Feel free to make use of the Prayground or the Activity Bags hanging on the back pew in the Sanctuary. Kindly return the Activity Bag after the service. Parents and kids may take an instrument as well with them to their pew. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!


Beginning again in September 2023 during our 10AM service, Sunday School will be available to children in preschool through 6th grade. Children begin in worship with their parents. After the Children’s Message, they are invited to go with our Children’s Ministry Team for lessons and fellowship in the Stage Room on the 2nd floor of our Education Wing. Parents/guardians will pick them up from the Stage Room after the service and sign them out.


Please email Dana with any questions: kidsandfamily@gloriadei.com


Is there Fellowship time after worship?

Sacred Grounds Coffee Shop will be on hiatus in July and August. After service coffee will resume Sunday, September 10, 2023. We are looking for volunteers to be responsible for the set up/clean up of Sacred Grounds one Sunday per month starting in September. Please consider volunteering… it is a great way to meet your fellow congregants! Please contact Pam at pkops3@aol.com if interested.


Want to talk with someone or find out more?